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Featured Event

AISNE membership includes a dynamic portfolio of resources, from professional development experiences to peer group conversations. AISNE is proud to provide a wide selection of engagement opportunities to help stretch your thinking and advance the success of your school.
Curious if your school is an AISNE member?
Interested in connecting with us about your school becoming a member?
Post jobs, update jobs, extend or expire listings
Submit a new photo, logo,
description, or link
Facilitate a conference session or
present a workshop or webinar
New to your school?
Taking on a new role? Retiring?
A NEW resource for AISNE members, initially serving these groups: Heads of School, Chief Financial Officers and Business Officers, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Practitioners
Confidential, online peer group communities featuring topic boards and the opportunity to share ideas and best practices, pose questions, and collaborate. Watch for updates!
Demonstrate your school’s sincere commitment to self-examination and continuous improvement. Explore AISNE Accreditation Principles, Process, and Cycle.
Express interest in speaking at an AISNE event. Facilitate a conference session. Present a workshop or webinar.
AISNE offers numerous ways to contribute to the collective success of our membership.
Our team is pleased to provide a library of key resources recommended by peers members and industry thought leaders.
AISNE is fortunate to be supported by many impressive organizations across New England, including law offices, architecture and construction firms, dining service providers, energy procurement consortiums, and many more types of resources and services.