AISNE Accreditation is underpinned by the four core values of Reflection, Affirmation, Transformation, and Accountability and includes a school’s self-evaluation and goal-setting, peer review, and accountability designed to support each school in optimally fulfilling its unique mission.


A graphic of AISNE's accreditation cycle that details the principles underlying the process for schools. For more detail about AISNE accreditation, please contact Beth Friedman, Director of Accreditation, at

To be good teachers, we must learn to honestly self-evaluate the effectiveness of our work with the children in our care and to accept feedback from others. A similar process is also beneficial for the schools in which we serve. They, too, should regularly self-assess, identify their strengths and their challenges, and receive feedback from independent observers. And this is exactly what the AISNE Accreditation process provides. Done well, the accreditation process can be an invaluable benefit to the school institutionally, to all who teach and work there, and, most importantly, to the children in the school’s care.

– AISNE Member Head of School


AISNE Accreditation is a 10-Year Cycle of self-reflection, goal-setting, peer review, and accountability that is designed to support each school in optimally fulfilling its unique mission.

Every 10 years, a school engages in a rigorous Self-Study that involves reflecting on, assessing, and affirming its practices in relation to its mission. The Self-Study process is mission-focused, standards-based, comprehensive of all aspects of school life, and inclusive of representatives of all of the school’s stakeholder groups.

Following the Self-Study, the school hosts a 4-Day Peer-Review Onsite Visit. Using the school’s Self-Study, the Visiting Team assesses the school’s compliance with the AISNE Eligibility Criteria and Standards for Accreditation and the congruence of its educational program and practices to its mission.

The Visiting Team produces a Visiting Team Report commenting on their findings and providing commendations and recommendations to guide the school’s continuous improvement over the next 10 years of its AISNE Accreditation Term.


AISNE’s accreditation process relies on the hard work and volunteerism of many members of the AISNE community. Throughout all stages of the process, AISNE staff supports, encourages, and celebrates the school’s commitment to continuous improvement.

Express interest in volunteering to serve on a Visiting Team.

Contact Us

Schools interested in accreditation by AISNE should contact Director of Accreditation, Beth Friedman.