How much does it cost for a school to be a member?

There are two types of AISNE Membership:

Full Members

  • Full Members are non-profit independent schools located in MA, ME, NH, RI, or VT that are accredited by AISNE or the New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC), or candidates for AISNE or NEASC accreditation. Full Members are voting members of the association.
  • Annual AISNE membership dues for Full Members are based on each school’s annual program revenue.
    • Contact Us to learn more and or discuss what your school’s annual AISNE membership dues will be.
  • Schools accredited by AISNE also pay an annual accreditation fee based on each school’s program revenue.

Associate Members

  • In-Region Associate Members are non-profit independent schools located in MA, ME, NH, RI, or VT that are not accredited by AISNE or NEASC; or, non-profit independent schools located in CT.
    • In-Region Associate Member annual membership dues are a fixed rate. Dues for the 2024-25 school year are $1,400.
  • Out-of-Region Associate Members are non-profit independent schools located outside of CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, and VT.
    • Out-of-Region Associate Member annual membership dues are a fixed rate. Dues for the 2024-25 school year are $980.

Curious if your school is already a member or accredited by AISNE?
Search here. Already a member? Explore your membership benefits.

What is the annual membership term?

The annual membership term begins July 1 and concludes June 30 each year. Membership dues are due in full by July 31 each year.

Does AISNE have a code of conduct for its members?

While AISNE does not enforce a specific code of conduct, all member schools are asked to respect our Community Expectations regarding student and employee recruitment.

How does my school apply to join?

  • To apply to join AISNE, a senior leader from your school (e.g. the head of school, finance director, or head’s assistant) is invited to complete a membership application.
  • Each application is reviewed by AISNE staff and receives a prompt response to discuss next steps and new member school onboarding.

>> Apply Here

What does it mean to be accredited by AISNE?

Accreditation is a service available to AISNE member elementary and middle schools in MA, ME, NH, RI, and VT.

  • Accreditation provides quality assurance that a school is meeting rigorous standards in all aspects of its operations and that it is operating in alignment with its mission.
  • Accreditation emphasizes institutional health and promotes continuous school improvement.
  • The ultimate goal of the accreditation process is the enhancement of student learning and growth within AISNE member schools.

Which schools are candidates for AISNE accreditation?

  • Non-profit independent schools located in MA, ME, NH, RI, or VT with a minimum of three consecutive grades, Kindergarten – 12th Grade, are invited to apply to be accredited by AISNE.
  • Additionally, candidates for AISNE accreditation must have:
    • A clear statement of mission and philosophy
    • Incorporation as a not-for-profit organization as attested by federal and state records
    • A non-discrimination statement as required by law
    • An appropriately constituted and substantially independent governing board, in accordance with the by-laws of the corporation
    • Policies and procedures to ensure that any perceived or actual conflicts of interest for board members are disclosed and managed appropriately
    • Annual financial audit, performed by an independent certified public accountant, that demonstrates adequate financial resources to carry out its mission

Curious if your school is already a member or accredited by AISNE?
Search here. Already a member? Explore your membership benefits.

>> Express Interest in Being Accredited

To learn more about the AISNE accreditation process, contact Accreditation Director, Beth Friedman at