Engage your school in a rigorous, ongoing self-examination of how you deliver on your unique mission.
Accreditation is a service that is available to AISNE’s independent elementary, middle, and high school members in New England. Accreditation provides quality assurance that a school is meeting rigorous standards in all aspects of its operations and that it is operating in alignment with its mission. Accreditation emphasizes institutional health and promotes continuous school improvement.
The ultimate goal of the accreditation process is the enhancement of student learning and growth in our schools.
Schools interested in accreditation by AISNE should contact our Director of Accreditation, Beth Friedman.
Express your school’s interest in being accredited by AISNE

- Strengthen commitment and congruence to mission
- Facilitate institutional reflection and self-evaluation
- Affirm the strengths of the school
- Help identify areas for improvement
- Provide structure and a timetable for institutional reflection, dialogue, and change
- Allow for performance measurement against a wide range of standards of good practice
- Demonstrate the school’s willingness to be held professionally accountable
- Enhance credibility with its immediate constituents and with the community at large
- Demonstrate that the school is part of the larger entity of independent school education
- Focus on institution rather than individuals, ensuring school’s long-term health
2024-25 Membership Committee

Julia Heaton

Michael Wirtz

Scott Young

Lance Conrad

arvind grover

Danielle Heard

Tim Johnson

Benjamin Kennedy

Donna Milani Luther

Dr. Kimberly Ridley
Accreditation Resources
The following are the most current guidance documents for the AISNE accreditation process and apply to schools considering AISNE accreditation for the first time or planning ahead for a future AISNE reaccreditation:
AISNE Eligibility Criteria and Accreditation Standards
AISNE School Accreditation Handbook
If your school is currently writing an AISNE self-study or hosting an onsite visit this year, please contact our Director of Accreditation, Beth Friedman for guidance documents that apply to you.