Grade 1 & 2 Multigrade Teacher

Faculty / Full-Time

Lesley Ellis School, Arlington, MA



Grades 1 & 2 Multi-grade Teacher

 Start date: August 23, 2024

Lesley Ellis School (Preschool—Grade 8) seeks candidates with a strong commitment to progressive education, excellent academic preparation, student-centered classrooms and anti-bias curriculum. We are looking for individuals who will bring expertise and enthusiasm to teaching and have the desire to work closely with a team teacher and teaching team to ensure an enriching and challenging school experience. Strong candidates will have substantial elementary teaching experience, ideally in independent schools. An advanced degree is preferred, but not required. All candidates should possess a demonstrable passion for teaching, excellent communication skills, and the ability to engage and intellectually excite students in their pursuit of learning.

Respecting and embracing differences has been at the core of a Lesley Ellis education since the school’s early days. Our anti-bias curriculum is rooted in a developmental model of learning that engages children’s innate desire to observe, question, consider, and eventually think deeply about complex interpersonal and societal issues. In 2005, we received the Leading Edge Award for Equity and Justice from the National Association of Independent Schools, and we continue to learn and work against systems of injustice, including racism, by practicing behavior that demonstrates appreciation for multiple perspectives and engaging in conversations and actions that confront bias at all developmental levels.

Responsibilities include:

  • Working collaboratively with co-teacher to plan lessons, design programs and implement curriculum;
  • Teaching all general subjects using a variety of instructional methods;
  • Overseeing all organizational and general communication aspects of the classroom;
  • Providing positive guidance techniques to maintain a child-centered, developmentally based classroom environment;
  • Establishing relationships with all students that are based on respect for individual learning styles, developmental stages and temperaments;
  • Assessing each student’s academic and social progress, preparing bi-annual progress reports, and meeting with parents at least twice yearly to discuss growth;
  • Serving as a full community member by attending faculty meetings, participating in events outside of school hours, volunteering for committees, and participating in admissions activities
  • Demonstrating a respect for diversity among faculty and students. Promote an environment which values diversity and infuses an anti-bias curriculum and approach.


  • Masters degree in elementary education preferred
  • Two to three years teaching experience preferred
  • Commitment to progressive anti-bias education

 School year position. Competitive salary and benefits. 

Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to:

Deanne Benson, Head of School


Lesley Ellis School

Arlington, MA
Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School
All Gender