Serving on an accreditation team is one of the most unique and valuable professional development experiences you will encounter in your career as an educator. It’s also an important responsibility and a service to your peer schools within the AISNE network.

During a visit, team members:

  • Assess a school’s alignment with AISNE Eligibility Criteria and Standards for Accreditation;
  • Evaluate the school’s programs and practices through the lens of its unique mission;
  • Observe the school in full operation and validate the degree to which it is living its mission and doing what it says it’s doing in its self-study; and,
  • Develop commendations and recommendations to guide the school’s continuous improvement.

AISNE seeks community members who are capable writers and organized, efficient professionals who collaborate well with others. Nominees should have enough experience within their area of expertise that they have seen and can appreciate different approaches and perspectives. Team members are asked to leave their own schools behind and evaluate a new school in light of its own mission and the AISNE standards.

If you’re interested in participating in the immersive, 4-day experience of serving on a Visiting Team, please let your head of school know and encourage them to nominate you.

AISNE reaches out to Heads of School periodically throughout the year to solicit nominees for teams, and we welcome nominations at any time!

Volunteer to Join a Visiting Team

Contact Us

Schools interested in accreditation by AISNE should contact Director of Accreditation, Beth Friedman.