In addition to aligning with AISNE Eligibility Criteria and Standards for Accreditation, AISNE-accredited schools and candidates for AISNE accreditation must:
- Have a clear statement of mission and philosophy.
- Serve one or more grades within the elementary, middle, and / or high school divisions. (Grades 1 – Post-Graduate)
- Be incorporated as a not-for-profit organization as attested by federal and state records.
- Have a non-discrimination statement as required by law.
- Be governed by an appropriately constituted and substantially independent governing board, in accordance with the by-laws of the corporation.
- Have policies and procedures to ensure that any perceived or actual conflicts of interest for board members are disclosed and managed appropriately.
- Have an annual audit of the school’s financial statements, performed by an independent certified public accountant.
- Have a process for the ongoing monitoring of its compliance with all federal, state, and local legal and regulatory requirements.
Download the most current guidance documents for the AISNE accreditation process and apply to schools considering AISNE accreditation for the first time or planning ahead for a future AISNE reaccreditation:
If your school is currently writing an AISNE self-study or hosting a site visit this year, please contact Director of Accreditation, Beth Friedman for any additional guidance documents that apply to you.
I have always believed the accreditation process is essential for schools that want to continue to better serve their students. From the writing of the self-study to the input from the visiting team, the process has helped our school to be able to celebrate our many strengths and consider opportunities for improvement. Our school is a better school because of AISNE accreditation.
– AISNE Member Head of School
Contact Us
Schools interested in accreditation by AISNE should contact Beth Friedman, Director of Accreditation.