The Newman School
Boston, MA

Newman provides students from broadly diverse backgrounds an opportunity to pursue serious studies in a welcoming and supportive environment where self and community are paramount. Guided by Cardinal Newman’s motto, “Cor ad Cor Loquitur” (Heart Speaks to Heart), the School’s mission is, “To foster intellectual growth, personal responsibility, and engaged dialogue, where no one is anonymous, each is unique, and everyone belongs, The Newman School embraces our founding motto: ‘Cor ad Cor Loquitur.‘”
“And as much as The Newman School draws its identity from the City of Boston; in many ways, this city is becoming more like The Newman School. It’s inclusive: bringing together young people from every neighborhood of Boston and every country of the world. It’s international: not just by welcoming students from abroad, but by engaging its curriculum with an ever-more-integrated global society. And it’s innovative: whether in art or in aeronautics, you are expanding the boundaries of what a high school education can be.”
—Martin J. Wash ’86