Middle School Science Teacher

Faculty / Full-Time
Annual Salary Range: $50,000 – $99,996

Boston Trinity Academy, Boston, MA

Boston Trinity Academy seeks to appoint a well-qualified, enthusiastic and engaging individual to join the Science department and deliver effective teaching and learning.

Scope: The science department seeks to introduce students to scientific thinking, equipping them with the content knowledge as well as the analytical and problem-solving skills that will prepare them for further studies at the college level. The department also aims to equip students to be responsible citizens in a world shaped by science. It challenges students to gain a genuine understanding and enjoyment of science including its application in real life situations. Students grow through a combination of rigorous expectations and strong supportive teacher relationships.  

Major responsibilities: This full time position will include sections of middle school science with potential concentrations in life and environmental sciences and/or physical sciences. Apart from the various preparations necessary for producing dynamic, challenging, and inspiring classes, all teachers have a range of duties. 

These include: 

  • Participation in and contribution to the life of the department and broader faculty through discussions about teaching, curriculum, or the latest developments in their disciplines; 
  • Willing and active engagement with students outside of class through availability for extra help, acting as an advisor, and running one significant extra activity (coaching, etc.); 
  • Willingness to explore and collaborate with fellow department members and the broader faculty to design and run the school’s annual interdisciplinary programs that bring social justice, leadership and the academic subjects together;
  • Other duties that contribute to the smooth running of a busy and engaging school life are expected of all faculty as assigned.

Education and experience: A Bachelor’s degree in a science, engineering, or related field is a basic requirement. Preference is given to those with an advanced degree and / or experience teaching at the middle school level. Preference given to those with the ability to teach courses at the upper school level.

Above all the ideal candidate will demonstrate an ability to inspire students to a love of science and a willingness to take risks to achieve excellent results beyond their imagined capacity.

Teaching culture: Boston Trinity Academy is an independent college prep school – we are entering our 24th year of operations – with big aspirations. We aim to provide an education of outstanding quality to a broad cross section of Boston urban and suburban students. We believe that by emphasizing high quality in our programs we will provide students with the inspiration to commit themselves to doing well not just in areas they find comfortable. We expect students to learn to risk and to risk to learn.  To that end we seek teachers who are masters of their disciplines and who are willing to maintain the expectation of high achievement. This should be not just with enthusiastic well-prepared students, of whom we have many, but with students who are full of uncertainty and fear because of poor foundations or who lack the preparation necessary for acting with confidence in unfamiliar situations. The faculty here are flexible, collegiate, collaborative, willing to try new ideas, but grounded in traditional goals of excellence for all students.

Please send a letter of interest and your resume to employment@bostontrinity.org

Boston Trinity Academy

Boston, MA
Middle School, High School
All Gender