Director of Lower School

Administrator / Full-Time

Cape Cod Academy, Osterville, MA

Cape Cod Academy cultivates academic excellence and fosters a passion for life-long learning. Our nurturing K-12 community is deeply rooted in our core values of scholarship, integrity, compassion, and respect. Empowered by meaningful relationships, students develop the intellectual and social skills to become confident, independent, and successful citizens.

In partnership with the Head of School and the Senior Leadership Team, the Director of Lower School will facilitate
the day-to-day operations of the Lower School, K-5, including all aspects of teaching and learning, curriculum
development, and program assessment. As a visible presence throughout the school, the Director of Lower School
will advance our school’s mission by implementing curricular, strategic, and operational initiatives to meet
established goals by:

• providing ongoing leadership and support to a strong and talented Lower School faculty;
• designing a process for evaluating the Lower School’s academic program and developing recommendations for
innovations to reach the goals of its strategic vision;
• overseeing the faculty recruitment and hiring processes for K-5 and coordinating orientation and yearlong
programming for the new faculty cohort;
• designing and facilitating ongoing professional growth for individual Lower School faculty and the collective
• strengthening the family-school partnership by serving as liaison between Lower School parents/guardians and
the school;
• evaluating, refining, and stewarding the curriculum, pedagogy, and overall student experience, K-5;
• designing and implementing ways to strengthen and grow the processes and structures that make the K-5
Seahawk experience more cohesive for students and families;
• fostering our core values of scholarship, integrity, compassion, and respect throughout all aspects of
Lower School life.

Successful candidates will bring significant experience in leadership positions across many departments and/or
areas of school life. Candidates should have a deep appreciation for our core values, the rich history of
Cape Cod Academy, and an enthusiasm and desire for professional and school growth. Experience as an
academic leader, particularly in an independent, cross-divisional school, and as a classroom teacher are preferred.
Of course, candidates should be self-reflective, able to work independently, and possess a ready and willing
sense of humor – characteristics necessary to thrive in the K-12 environment today.

Interested candidates should submit the following materials electronically, attached as separate pdf documents, to
Julie A. Salit, Head of School, at
• Cover letter expressing your interest in this particular Director of Lower School position;
• Current resume;
• Writing sample (recent article, talk, presentation, etc.) that speaks to your leadership and
communication style, or your educational philosophy;
• A list of three professional references with contact information. (References will not be contacted without
candidate’s permission.)


Cape Cod Academy

Osterville, MA
Elementary, Middle School, High School
All Gender