CFO / Business Manager
St. Michael’s Country Day School, Newport, RI
The CFO/Business Manager reports to the head of school and, working with appropriate trustee committees, manages the resources of St. Michael’s Country Day School in support of the school’s mission. S/he is responsible for the planning, control, accounting and reporting of income, expense, contributed and invested funds of the school as well as all Human Resource duties. S/he manages all activities designated as business office responsibilities including physical plant and grounds, risk management and insurance, transportation, contracts with external vendors, employee compensation and personnel policies, facilities leasing, city, state and federal government compliance and any other responsibilities, as assigned.
The CFO/Business Manager generally attends all regular business meetings of the board of trustees, in order to provide full, accurate, and complete management and financial information as necessary to assist the board in meeting its fiduciary responsibilities. S/he also attends all finance, property, risk management, endowment, investment and benefits committee meetings and any ad hoc committees concerning finance, physical plant or compensation. S/he maintains professional relationships with the school’s banks, lawyers, auditors, investment managers, insurance carriers, architects, contractors, vendors, and government regulators.
Those reporting to the business manager include the Facilities Manager, the maintenance staff, and business office assistant.
Forward resume, cover letter and 3 references to Walter Landberg, Head of School at wlandberg@smcds.org
St. Michael’s Country Day School